Streamline rainbow right

Артикул: M0457 05 B R4W
Состав: Обтюратор: силикон 100% Линзы: поликарбонат 100%
- Линзы с диоптриями – обеспечивают идеальный обзор с широким спектром диоптрий (от -1 до -9);
- Покрытие Rainbow – усовершенствованный дизайн и дополнительная защита от бликов;
- Защита UV – надежная защита от ультрафиолета;
- Покрытие Антифог – надежная защита от запотевания;
- FINA approved – очки сертифицированы федерацией FINA для участия в международных соревнованиях.
С этим товаром покупают
Самый полезный отзыв
Vrishni Sivakumaran
Размер 20 ML
+Advantages? Everything! Unlike the majority of goggles that are sold in shops, this one is cut neatly to fit around our eyes and is not unnecessarily enormous. This reduces leakage. The custom nose bridges also go a long way. The lack of padding around the rim might seem like a drawback, but it's still comfortable and also contributes to reducing leakage. So far I haven't had to use baby shampoo because the anti-fog coating is doing a grand job. The rainbow coating helps you to see with crystal clarity in the water and it feels like you're wearing clear goggles. The strap is fully adjustable and allows for a great deal of customisation according to the size of your head. I also applaud Madwave for offering a prescription power as high as - 9 as this is quite hard to find. Lower powers are easy to find.
-The strap and nose bridges did not come with what I ordered. I ordered both right and left lense and was expecting the accessories to come with it, but after the very long shipping time (I live in the UK and it took around a month to reach me, with problems at customs), I was alarmed to see only the lenses and no accessories. Luckily, there are outlets in the UK which stock the same goggles from Madwave, but with no prescription (or lower prescriptions), so I bought some no prescription for £15 and managed to obtain the straps and nose bridges.
One of the best goggles available for those with high prescription. I can now swim with confidence.
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